Some of Dave’s writing

Here you will find some of Dave’s writing. Dave has been a NZ Herald columnist. Currently he writes a weekly article which you can subscribe to at his Patreon page. It’s pretty cheap, and worth it. If I do say so myself.


Sometimes strength can be a weakness

As the election campaign slowly, yet inexorably heads towards a conclusion, like a drunk person crawling into bed, we find ourselves at a point with very few questions left unanswered.

To read the rest, visit the NZ Herald site.

The biggest thing was the call to delay it a month

I get it. I really do. Labour is polling over 50 per cent. They're popular. And they haven't really done anything. So they're pretty much promising nothing.

To read the rest, visit the NZ Herald site.

With NZ First polling so low it's a scary gap that fringe-right can fill

You've got to look past the majors. We're in MMP now.While the headlines of the most recent 1 News / Colmar Brunton poll were Labour able to govern alone, National struggling to go anywhere, and the Greens and Act both doing okay it was the other numbers that interested me.

To read the rest, visit the NZ Herald site.